Monday, November 19, 2007

Bird by Bird

I believe that this chapter, "Letters," is very relevant to what we are doing with our papers right now, because we are focusing on audience. Lamott does this as a cure to writer's block, by suggesting that you write a letter to someone you know. For example, she writes a letter to her son about his childhood. Not only does this help cure writer's block, but it also helps you work on writing to a specific audience, and an audience who knows you very well. This helps with our geanealogies, because many of them focus on very personal stories, and it may help if we write them as if they were directed towards people who know us well.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Editing Day #1

After editing Brianna's paper, I learned that it is very important to keep a very clear tension throughout the entire paper. I think it is very important to make a genealogy effective, to make sure you have a very concise tension throughout the entire paper, otherwise your definition of the word gets a little lost. Also, I learned that it is important to make sure your personal stories are very concise. The longer they are, or wordier they are, the less effective they are. The paper should not end up sounding like a personal narrative, but should be your definition of a word.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

On the Genealogy of Morals A Polemical Tract

While Nietzsche's article is little tough to read through, it does ultimately explain the genealogy of the meaning of good and evil. First, Nietzsche begins explaining that good and evil vary from person to person, that they cannot be given one clear definition. Then he explains that good is a word associated more often with high society and aristocracy, and that evil is a word associated with low class and things that are common. I don't know if I totally agree with that, however. I think often times we often associate very very high society to be "evil," most people members of high society being very haughty, when that is not always the case. On the other hand, I do not view all members of high society being good either. I think those definitions vary person to person, just as Nietzsche was explaining in the beginning of his genealogy.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Setting the Record Straight

Aside from the fact that McCloud's essay sticks out in the middle of Making Sense like sore thumb, he ultimately has created an illustrated genealogy of comic strips. I think the fact that it is illustrated helps demonstrate every point he is trying to make, for example, how he explains mediums on page 351. I think the fact that it is drawn makes it even more emphasized, or at least easier to understand, than an essay like Kuhn's or Percy's. Also, given what McCloud is taking about, I think it helps make his point even clearer, than if he had just written it out; you can see the difference between comics and sequential art. In addition, I think it's interesting how McCloud shows how nearly every from of art, if you apply the definition of sequential art, could be considered a comic.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Historical Structure of Scientific Discovery

In Thomas Kuhn's article is example of a genealogy. He explains the development of scientific discovery. He is more or less trying to explain that "the thrill of the chase" is more important than the actual discovery, that in trying to find what you are originally looking for, you can find something greater accidentally. Also, that after you make the initial discovery you will have even more questions, which lead you to further discoveries. I think he also trying to make the point that there is a difference between someone who is classically trained versus someone who is self-taught. However, I think the real meat of this assignment was the fact that this is a genealogy, which is exactly what we have been covering in class. He breaks down how things such as oxygen and x-rays have been discovered, and thus explains their genealogy.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

"The Loss of the Creature"

Walker Percy's "The Loss of the Creature," to me at times was a bit confusing and unclear of what point he was exactly trying to make, however, buried within his essay there is an interesting message. I think Percy makes an interesting point about being different, or not conforming. His story about the man going to the Grand Canyon, and asking an "expert" about how to travel on the path less taken, makes the point that in order to be different you shouldn't have to ask someone else on how to do it. If someone is truly original or not conforming, it should come naturally, you shouldn't be copying anyone. Also, I think he also trying to make the point that if you search or work for something by yourself (without help) the result is much more rewarded than if you were helped every step of the way.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I don't think it's just chance that we happened to have this assignment when we did, because nearly every one of the chapters that we read related to the issues I was having this afternoon while revising my paper. I definitely experienced the constant distraction she talks about in KFKD. This afternoon I suffered this kind of distraction before I even opened the word file on my computer. I was thinking about the most asinine things, and definitely nothing that actually pertained to my paper. The next chapter, jealousy, is definitely an emotion I experienced as I was reviving Brianna's paper. I always get that peer editing. I see something that someone else wrote, and like it better than what I wrote, and instantly want to find a way to either fix my own paper or sabotage the other person. The final chapter in this assignment talks about writer's block, which happened to me this afternoon when revising my paper. I laughed when I read the analogy, "starting at your blank page like a cadaver, feeling your mind congeal...(p.176)." I experienced this same situation while sitting at my kitchen table staring my laptop, feeling like I had absolutely nothing to write. So I suppose these few chapters of Bird By Bird delievered the same reassuring advice as it usually does, letting you know that your mental condition while writing is perfectly normal.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Lyotard and O'Hara

The first of these reading assignments, Introduction to The Postmodern Condition, is perhaps maybe one of the most confusing pieces of literature I have ever read. So confusing that I'm not going to fill a blog post with what I barely understand from it. But I will say this about the piece Lyotard does discuss something to the effect that even though narratives are not based on "proven facts" there is still some merit to what is personal truth. That truth can be just as powerful. The second reading Personism: A Manifesto, discusses poetry, minimalism, and something he made up called personism. Personism is the idea that it is better to keep poetry between the poet and the intended audience, and to keep it only to that. That manifesto overall is relatively entertaining and says some very philosophical ideas, such as: "But that’s not why you fell in love in the first place, just to hang onto life, so you have to take your chances and try to avoid being logical. Pain always produces logic, which is very bad for you."

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Keeping Close to Home"

"Keeping Close to Home," brings some interesting racial issues to surface, from a African-American woman's perspective. She discusses issues like assimilation and her basic struggles or just life as an educated black woman. One of the more interesting points I thought that she brought up on the issue of assimilation was that assimilating might allow an African-American to be more successful, however, it is important to stay in touch with their people in order to make a difference to your people. Another issue I thought was very interesting was what she said on language, which does not just pertain to African-Americans. She says on page 233, "If I do not speak in a language that can be understood, then there is little chance for dialogue." That is true in any situation, you have been understood if you want people to listen and react to your message. Overall, I very much enjoyed her essay.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

From a Native Daughter

Haunani-Kay Trask's essay, "From a Native Daughter," discusses the differences between the Hawaiian history she had learned from her native relatives and the recorded "western" history. I do agree that most of the history I have read about Hawaii describes the islands as a savage, uncivilized place, and most of this history is written by the western (white) man. Thus, the native Native Hawaiian history is lost. I think this happens in many historical events. For example, often times there is a difference between the way the Civil War is taught in parts of the U.S. I think that most of these differences boil down to a simple difference in opinion and outlook. Nearly any kind of story you tell is going to be different than how your friend tells it, for example. I think it is just human nature to bend and twist things into your favor, but it doesn't make it right.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Richard Rodriguez's "Blaxicans and Other Reinvented Americans," brings racial issues to the table. He discusses how he feels he has lost his identity as a Mexican-American in the mush of politically correct terms like "Hispanic." He also mentions how America is no longer a "black-white" nation because of the mixing of races and cultures. One quote I think puts it best is, "The girl said "Blaxican." By reinventing language, she is reinventing America. " (p. 422). He is saying how there is no longer separated races, that America has completely blended. I totally agree. I think back to my friends, my friend Radha is Indian, my friend Guillermo is part Mexican, my other friend Guillermo is Peruvian, and my friend Serena is Japanese. But it wasn't until know that I really focused on that. We all blend together. Back to the first issue he presents, I do feel that some of those p.c. terms just erase the racial identities that immigrants/minorities do have.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Looking Around and The Moral Point of View

This latest reading from Lamott's Bird By Bird gives more insightful and interesting bits of advice for any writer novice to advanced. In Looking Around, she stresses the idea of how it is a writer's job to present a new vision of pre-established ideas to their readers. I think this is basically the goal of all writing, who really writes to present the same ideas as someone else? Of course we all want to bring fresh, new ideas to the table. In The Moral Point of View, she mentions how moral position is not a message, but rather what you truly care about. Basically, she is telling the reader to write about what they care about, and what they like. She actually says, "So write about the things that are most important to you." (p.108). I agree with this; however, we do not always have this luxury. Anyway, I do believe that when you are either writing or speaking about something you are passionate about, it is the most interesting or simply just the best work you'll do.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


I think that subjectivity played a large part in the structure of my essay and the structure of any critical essay. I think in my essay it basically fueled the whole thing. My whole essay's basis ended up being what I thought of the two pieces of art. For example, my whole premise behind the body paragraphs on the pieces of art was what I thought of them, without backing up my opinion. Subjectivity can be as effective as factual evidence. For example, most of Susan Sontag's "In Pluto's Cave," is just her opinion without factual evidence, but it just as effective as factual evidence. However, within her article she does also back up some of her opinions, which I think it is necessary to eventually do that in order to have any of your opinions taken seriously. In regards to my paper, I could use more factual evidence in order to have my opinions to be taken more as truth. Ultimately, I believe opinion should drive this paper, because it about what I think is art. Thus, I think I could have used even more personal thought or personal examples to prove my point.

Getting Off Topic

When writing an essay it makes it more effective to get off the topic and quickly associate it to the ultimate goal of the essay. For example, Nancy Sommers' "I Stand Here Writing," is an essay that takes several different "off topic" stories and relates to one central theme. This allows the paper to be more personal and also allows it to have more a creative flow. In addition, in Sommers' article it allows her to freely move from example to example and cover many different kinds of examples. It allows to her to talk about her own personal accounts as well as other examples from her life. I think in my paper that would have helped because it would have made it easier for me to move out of the five-paragraph theme structure. The task of having to associate the "off topic" story/example to the central theme forces you to move out of the strict five-paragraph model. Also, it would have made my paper more interesting. It wouldn't just be a critical view of to pieces of art; it would have some kind of personal touch. Also, it would read more like a natural train of thought, than an essay.

The goals of criticism

I believe that the goals of an essay that written in a critical structure are to not to necessarily "tear someone a new one," but more or less to seriously analyze everything about something. A critical essay should take every element of something and discuss its significance the item as a whole. However, a critical essay should decide between what is "good" and what is "bad." Although, it should do this is in a way that is fair the item being judged. Judging, that is ultimately what the essay should achieve, some kind of judgement of the object being discussed. Since the other, monumental and antiquarian, either preserve or praise the task at hand, critical should judge and analyze.

Quote that Resonates

The quote that resonated with me was from Nancy Sommer's "I Stand Here Writing." She said, " see themselves as places from which ideas originate, to see themselves as Emerson's transparent eyeball, all that they have read and experienced-the dictionaries of their lives-circulating through them." (p. 458). This resonated with me, because I think, especially because of how writing is taught in public high schools in America, that the importance of keeping writing personal is lost. I think so many kids are taught today to never write in the first person and that every writing assignment you will ever do will be factual based. So, for me, this was one of the first times I read advice that states my life is the most important influence or reference I will use for writing. Also, I think this quote resonated because it explains how important it is as a writer to develop ideas based on your experiences and write about how you perceive things. Basically, Sommer's is saying that you are your own greatest database or reference guide. That your life is the biggest inspiration you can draw from in your writing. Finally, I think what she's saying is true. The more you can incorporate personal experience or perceptions into your writing, the more interesting it is.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Nancy Sommers, "I Stand Here Writing"

Sommers' article is first off very different than most of the other essays in Making Sense. Sommers' reads more like something in Bird By Bird. Sommers discusses in a more personal way, the process of writing and conceiving ideas for writing. She talks about how her writing was sort of hit-and-miss before she had any real inspiration. She mentions how in college she was known for her misuse of words and her long hair than her writing. It wasn't until she did her senior thesis on Emerson's "Eloquence," that she had any real inspiration. Also, she continues to give advice for writing throughout the whole essay. One of the more important things she mentions is that, " see themselves as places from which ideas originate, to see themselves as Emerson's transparent eyeball, all that they have read and experienced-the dictionaries of their lives-circulating through them." (p.458).

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Editing Day #1

From the first day of editing I learned that I need to use either quotes and/or other outside resources. I saw how that sort of "proves" your point, especially in this kind of essay. I think if I had some kind of research about both of the artist's works that I used in my essay, it would help give some kind of creditability to my opinion. It's funny how people tend take people's opinions as truth if the person seems to be extremely knowledgeable on the subject. Thus, with this being the way society functions, adding research or history will help my paper greatly. I think having this addition to my paper will give me a little more confidence in my opinion. In other words, I'll feel like I have something to back up my opinion.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Finding Your Voice

Lamott's premise behind the chapter, Finding Your Voice, is that it is important to have influences when you begin to write, but eventually you have to find your own voice. This immediately reminded me of a time I went to see my friend's boyfriend play at a coffee house on Milwaukee's east side. He was a very talented musician; however, his show could barely consistute for more than a Bob Dylan tribute or impersonation. This is a prime example of what Lamott is talking about. This kid was clearly talented enough that he could have come out of the shadows of his Bob Dylan covers, and come up with his own sound. That is ultimately is what Lamott is saying in this entire chapter. It is important that when you are a developing artist that you have influences, and heck almost imitate your idols, but once you are experienced enough it is time to take off the training wheels and ride solo. You have to eventually give up that dependancy so you know what your own voice is.

Making Sense Structure

I chose to compare my rough draft to the structure of Marita Sturken's "The Wall, the Screen, and the Image." Sturken's structure uses block quotes, subtitled sections, and photos. Her tone is third person and rather impersonal. Also, she is very critical of the Vietnam War Memorial. I think is different than my rough draft, because I did not any block quotes, mainly because I comparing artwork and creating my own definition of art, not contrasting other people's opinions of the work. Also, I did not use subtitled sections, even though my paragraphs are organized, I just did not label each section. Finally, I plan to use photos in mine because that will help significantly to see the stark contrast between the two paintings. In addition, both of our writings are writing in distanced third person.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Writing Groups, Someone to Read Your Drafts, and False Starts

The next few sections of "Bird By Bird," discusses the importance of criticism. She talks about the various writing workshops she's worked at, and how the participants dealt with and created criticism. I think the story about editing the epically terrible story written in vernacular was funny, but also had a valuable lesson about being bold. First, she explains how the man who wrote the story was brave because he was a newer writer and he basically tried writing something to advanced for him. Next, the woman who ranted about the writing was brave, because she was speaking the complete blunt truth about the writing. However, she also poses the argument that it is not always necessary to speak the truth. In addition, Lamott makes a great point about important it is to take chances in life. She says something to the effect of that no one ends their life glad they never took any risks. In one of the other sections, Someone to Read Your Drafts, she talks about how life is to short to worry about pointless things or to spend your life waiting. That is something that is taking me years to realize.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Wall, the Screen, and the Image

Marita Sturken's essay on the Vietnam War Memorial gives an overall negative commentary on the wall. I found this particularly interesting because I had seen the memorial for the first time a little over a year ago. My impression of this war memorial was a powerful one. First, the day we went in was pouring, and I nearly lost my life sliding down its slick marble path in my flip-flops. Next, there were a few other things really resonated with me. I noticed as slid down the memorial that people still put flowers by specific names on the memorial or were stopped praying at a specific spot. This is unlike any other memorial in D.C. Second, I noticed that it was more hidden than any of the other memorials. Even the Korean War Memorial, which is apparently "the forgotten war," is larger than the Vietnam Memorial. Sturken mentions something similar when she says, "The memorial does not stand erect above the landscape; it is continuous with the earth" (p.490). She also discusses how the color of the memorial had been under scrutiny. She mentions that some feel that the color of it, "...evoke shame, sorrow, and dishonor..." (p.489). I seem to agree with that. Whereas most of the monuments in D.C. are white marble or limestone, the Vietnam Memorial seems to be this shameful color of black. As if, we are trying not to draw attention to it simply because it is a war we didn't win. Maybe all of these criticisms of the Memorial are just coincidence, or perhaps it is the whole nation asking to forget the terrors of the Vietnam War.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Shitty First Drafts, etc.

The hefty reading assignments this weekend all seem to emphasize the same thing, which is simply: Your early is going to suck. I know this sounds so crass, but there is no other way to put it. In Paul Roberts', "How To Say Nothing In 500 Words," he explains the fatal errors of freshmen writing. One of the best lines I think in the entire article is in the portion that discusses the idea of taking the less usual side in an argument. He says, "And if the subject assigned is "My Pet Peeve," do not begin, "My pet peeve is the English instructor who assigns papers on 'my pet peeve."' This was still funny during the War of 1812, but it has sort of lost its edge since then. It is in general good manners to avoid personalities." That just struck me as funny and also true. However, I feel that most college freshmen (myself included) fall into the stereotypes described in Roberts' article, because of the instruction we receive in high school. High school writing does not really allow for creativity. Also, my teachers always had some kind of requirement of, "use vivid words," or "long, descriptive sentences," and for most high school students that involves the thesaurus and a whole lot of crappy writing. Lamott's articles seem to emphasize sort of the same idea. She basically talks about how absolutely every one's first draft will be terrible, and that there is no way to change that, even experience doesn't help. Finally, "Freewriting," seems to encourage these crappy first drafts. Elbow talks about how if you don't know what to write, simply write that. It basically gets the mind moving, and in the long run, improves your writing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Owl Has Flown

Sven Birkerts' "The Owl Has Flown," discusses some in depth analysis on reading and thinking. He talks about how people comprehend writing/reading entirely different now, than they did hundreds of years ago. For example, he says, "The result is that we know countless more "bits" of information, both important and trivial, than our ancestors. We known know them without a stable sense of context, for where the field is that vast all schemes must be seen as provisional." (p.73). In other words, we read but we do not truly look in to the content; we do not want to expand on the knowledge. I agree with this, I believe that society now is very interested in a getting a brief background on lots of information, for example, the a la carte enclyopedia style of Wikipedia. Later in the essay I think that Birkets makes an interesting point about wisdom. He says, "Wisdom is seeing through facts, a penetration to the underlying laws and patterns. It relates the immediate to something larger..." (p.75). I believe he is trying to explain how wisdom is about engaging the real. One must believe that things are real in order to acquire "wisdom." Therefore, I think that Birkets makes some very interesting observations on reading, knowledge, and wisdom. This is the kind of essay that makes you re-evaluate how you think about life in general.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Imagination and Reality

Jeanette Winterson's "Imagination and Reality" takes an in depth look at how both of those elements make up all forms of art. Winterson makes some very interesting points, like, "The honest currency of art is the honest currency of the imagination." In other words, art thrives on people's imaginations. She also discusses how the reality and nature of the modern world slowly takes away people's ability to tap into their imagination. However, later in the article Winterson states, "The work of the artist is to see the life of things; to discriminate between superficialites and realities..." This contradicts what she said before, now she's saying that a good artist separates imagination and reality. Honestly, I feel Winterson's article lacks direction and more or less reads like a person who likes to hear themselves talk. Thus, I feel that she did bring some very interesting points between imagination, reality, and art; however, it gets lost in the shuffle of her trying to sound educated and artistic.

Monday, September 10, 2007

In Pluto's Cave

Susan Sontag's "In Pluto's Cave," gives an in-depth analysis of photography and the impact it has had on American culture. Sontag explains how photography has become much more than simply having photographic evidence of something. She explains that photography has become a staple of American society. Also, she explains how photography in the hands of some can be an art form; however for others photography is merely a way to record graduations and weddings. Another interesting point Sontag mentions is the sexual nature of photography; the voyeuristic nature of the art, she even references Hitchcock's "Rear Window." She points out that even the words connected with photography are sexual in a way. In addition, she discusses famous pictures and their impacts on society, such as Dorothea Lange's photographs of the Japanese internment camps, and their impact on photography and society. Despite some of the interesting commentary Sontag provides on this subject, this is not exactly an easy read. Most of Sontag's article reads like a textbook, and there isn't much life in it. It makes you wonder, if this what her writing is like, what are her photos like?

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Coffee Shop Art

When you take the first glance at the painting in the coffee shop it is shockingly white, green, and purple. Then you look closer and realize that you are looking a sunny English garden. You see that there is a mush of purple wildflowers in the front, and a tangle of birch trees in the back that is separated by some kind of footpath or wooden bridge. The painting evokes good feelings, it makes you feel like its springtime. Also, it gives you a sense of things being in bloom. After you get that feeling, you then feel like you can smell the painting. Fresh air, floral, and grassy odors seem to be radiating from the painting, like a giant stratch-and-sniff sticker. After taking all these senses from the painting in, you then begin to search for something else in this painting, some kind of protagonist. You think, sure this looks a wonderful place to be, but there must be something more to it. Perhaps this is supposed to be the message that this painting is supposed to be getting across, despite how good things are humans are never content with themselves.

School Lunches and Polaroids

The next assigned section of Lamott's Bird by Bird began with a chapter titled "School Lunches." I thought this seemed like an odd title, and I could not imagine how school lunches had anything to do with the writing process. However, Lamott ultimately makes a great point within this chapter about both the writing process and school lunches. First, I feel that Lamott is basically trying to tell the reader that one must write about something they know a lot about. Therefore, if they do this they will have enough material to edit and expand on. In other words, someone would be able to elaborate on a topic they have experienced first hand. Second, Lamontt also launches into a very interesting look into the psyche of packed lunches. She explains that the contents of your packed lunch labeled you as to whether you were socially acceptable. The second portion of the assigned reading, Polaroids, draws the analogy between how a Polaroid picture develops and how a rough draft begins. First, you have a rough idea about your paper (or picture) will contain; however, it is not until the entire paper is finished (or picture is developed) that everything takes shape. To me, this is some of the best writing/life advice that I have received, stressing the importance of taking everything one step at a time. More importantly, letting everything take shape with time. In addition, Lamontt continues give advice in a fresh and satirical way.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Assignment 9/05/07

I suppose the famous saying, "don't judge a book by its cover," definitely rang true for Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird. When I purchased this book from the campus bookstore several days ago, I looked at the cover and thought it looked like something a soccer-mom might read while waiting for her kids in the car. Thus, I was extremely surprised by the content of the book as soon as I opened it. Unlike the usual "writing manuals" which usually recommend some type of formula for writing that can be followed to appartenly guarantee success, Lamott has a fresh, comedic spin on the idea. First, her recollections of her childhood make her human and easy to relate to; therefore, it makes me much more apt to follow and want her advice. Second, her advice on writing is finally something different. Instead of reading, "start with a quote/attention getter for introduction," her advice is realistic and stems from her life experiences. Lamott instead suggests things like the importance of practicing writing and good writing is not attained overnight. Thus, my original perception of Bird by Bird has definitely has been changed and for the better. Perhaps, this is one of the first books to provide legitimate advice on writing without putting me to sleep.