Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Imagination and Reality

Jeanette Winterson's "Imagination and Reality" takes an in depth look at how both of those elements make up all forms of art. Winterson makes some very interesting points, like, "The honest currency of art is the honest currency of the imagination." In other words, art thrives on people's imaginations. She also discusses how the reality and nature of the modern world slowly takes away people's ability to tap into their imagination. However, later in the article Winterson states, "The work of the artist is to see the life of things; to discriminate between superficialites and realities..." This contradicts what she said before, now she's saying that a good artist separates imagination and reality. Honestly, I feel Winterson's article lacks direction and more or less reads like a person who likes to hear themselves talk. Thus, I feel that she did bring some very interesting points between imagination, reality, and art; however, it gets lost in the shuffle of her trying to sound educated and artistic.

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