Monday, September 24, 2007

Finding Your Voice

Lamott's premise behind the chapter, Finding Your Voice, is that it is important to have influences when you begin to write, but eventually you have to find your own voice. This immediately reminded me of a time I went to see my friend's boyfriend play at a coffee house on Milwaukee's east side. He was a very talented musician; however, his show could barely consistute for more than a Bob Dylan tribute or impersonation. This is a prime example of what Lamott is talking about. This kid was clearly talented enough that he could have come out of the shadows of his Bob Dylan covers, and come up with his own sound. That is ultimately is what Lamott is saying in this entire chapter. It is important that when you are a developing artist that you have influences, and heck almost imitate your idols, but once you are experienced enough it is time to take off the training wheels and ride solo. You have to eventually give up that dependancy so you know what your own voice is.

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